Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pleat purse, post-felt

Less than a week after I declared that I was too scared to felt the bag, I felted the bag. I have to say, this is probably my most successful felt project to date. I let it go through two cycles in the wash and I meant to do 1.5 (got distracted by my DVR) but it's a nice size. It's pretty much the size of all my favorite purses.

I followed the pattern author's advice and set the bag over a large cereal box to dry. I took it to work two days later and it got great reviews. All I need to do is get a magnetic closure and decide on whether I'm going to line the inside. Thoughts on why lining it would be beneficial?

Definitely a favorite pattern. I'd love to make it a few more time to give as gifts. And I kinda want to experiment with the colors next time.

Here's the bag (pre- and post-felt) on the back of the same chair. It shrank. A bunch.

Thanks to Jose for a wonderful, wonderful Christmas gift!


  1. fabulous. I think the only reasons you'd want to line it is so pens/pencils/keys can't poke through (but maybe since it's felted and drawn up that won't be a problem. OR maybe if you spill something inside the purse then the outside would have a little more protection from a stain and such. judgement call on the lining for sure.

    wow, looks great.

  2. thanks! i'm pretty proud of it (as you can tell). i love things that are fun AND easy!

    you have made some compelling lining arguments. i've discontinued use of the purse until i have the nerve to line it.
