Thursday, March 24, 2011

Garden 2012

We have talked about planting a garden every single year since we moved to North Carolina. In the past we've done tomatoes here and there, some peppers in 2009, and we had great blueberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes in our last yard. This year we're planting three varieties of basil (because I'm pesto-crazy!), but in 2012 we are planning a giant garden-palooza! We've identified the perfect space in the yard:

As you can see, it's going to require a lot lot lot of work. To celebrate Earth month 2011, we're going to develop an overhaul and planting plan. For those veterans out there (coughChristyAmandacough), we welcome your feedback/tips/suggestions!


  1. I recommend the book Square Foot Gardening. It really helps you maximize your space. My very small garden produces more than my Dad's big garden and it's all due to spacing. Also, do you compost yet?

  2. i've heard great things about that book...i'm definitely going to check it out. we have SUCH a big space back there...

    i'm super worried about the bunnies/squirrels/birds. the jury is still out on what to do about them.

  3. start looking into cover crops. Things you can plant around the garden that bunnies/squirrel/birds don't like or find appetizing. I learned about cover crops last year when I had the big squash bug problem. I don't know if the theory works as well on animals but it's worth a google or two.

  4. Square foot gardening is a wonderful book. I'm launching a blog today (thanks for the encouragement).

    You need to first decide if you want to do in ground or above ground (that will make a lot of difference). We can talk more about that if you like. I'm going to send you a message today on facebook with some options.

    Don't worry too much about animals, they can be handled pretty easily. For bug control we always plant marigolds all around the garden (nice color and the smell deters a lot of bugs). There is another book called "Carrot loves Tomato" all about companion planting. It's a must have. Keeping out animals can be done with shiny pie plates with a string on stick, wind chimes and giving them other things to eat (think giant sunflowers). Berger will be your biggest issue if he is let out in the yard, but his scent will keep out the bunnies. Human hair and animal hair spread around will keep out snakes.

    Too much to share here. I'll let you know when the blog goes live.
