Sunday, March 20, 2011

Houston, we have SPROUTS!

I checked the seed trays for sprouts yesterday and though I didn't expect to find any, I was still disappointed. When Jose announced this morning that we had sprouts in all three trays...I was beside myself!

Mammoth basil...

Sweet basil...

Dark Opal basil...(can you spot the sprouts?)

Day 8: March 20


  1. wow, that Dark Opal Basil is seriously DARK! awesome. I was thinking about your sprouts last night wondering if they'd popped up.

    That's right. Not only do I think of my garden a lot, I also think of other gardens a lot.

  2. who DOESN'T think about gardens a lot?

    you'll be excited to see my blog post about next year's garden later this week...can't wait to get your input!
