I love Cowboy Mouth. So much. And I know I've talked about that at length before, so I'll spare you. Here's what you really need to know. I caught a drumstick. YEP! I caught the second drumstick tossed, and it was during the first song of the night - Light it on Fire. So awesome.
We were this close to JTG all night!
AND, we each caught one of his guitar picks. Jose actually caught one that he threw specifically to him, because he liked the way Jose wore his red spoons. If you don't know what THAT is about, you should definitely, definitely go to a show near you and/or buy and download one of their shows. now.
This is me with my drumstick and pick, post-show. Smug mug.

This is me with Cassandra, the hottest bassist this side of Mike Gordon.

And this is Jose with Fred.

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