Sunday, April 10, 2011

we lost a lotta good basil out there...

Last week we lost about half of our sprouts in one day. We really have no idea what the problem was - I'm guessing that they got too much sun? In any case, this was a huge blow to morale.

Today we moved the remaining sprouts over to the next size planting trays. We went from 3 trays of 72 to 3 trays of 18. Big bummer. Our mammoth was the most resilient and the dark opal was the least resistant. I hope all of the plants thrive from here on out!

We also transplanted our mint and rosemary today. I have high hopes for all of these plants - fingers crossed!

Day 29: April 10


  1. try not to get down about the basil. I can't keep my tomato seedlings alive this year. Luckily, a friend found a craigslist ad for heirloom plants about 20 minutes from our house. And he has two varieties I want to try.

    Anyway, keep your head up and you'll be up to your elbows in basil in no time.

  2. Maybe it's just natural selection:) How much basil can you use in one summer. I had so much last year, I was giving it away to anyone who could take it.

  3. I thought this was a knitting blog. Maybe you should change the blog name to 'Not just a girl and her knitting needles'

  4. @christy you're right...i'm going to try to hang in there! i hope your tomatoes are the perfect fit!

    @climber i know, i was hoping to be in the same position of giving out lots of basil. i have this crazy plan to make 48 tons of pesto, but with plant casualties right and left, my plan my be busted.

    @anon - sorry to disappoint. i used to have a blurb up about how this will be about whatever i'm doing at the time (which is usually knitting). i'm in the middle of some longer-term knitting projects and one that is super secret, so nothing to show lately.
