Saturday, June 4, 2011

garden magic

We have no idea what we're doing most of the time, but I so love having a garden! As a senior in New College at UA, I took Dr. Roach's Organic Farming class and it was so amazing. From filling seed trays in the freezing cold at the beginning of the semester to pulling endless weeds in the blazing heat at the end of the semester...I loved every second of it. It's therapeutic to have your hands in dirt, it's rewarding to harvest fruit/veggies from something that started as a seed in your hands. It's the closest thing to magic I've ever seen and Puggie really likes it too.

I've been waiting and waiting for one of our blossoms to turn into squash...we got our first two this week!

I wasn't sure if culantro was supposed to look like this, I've only ever bought loose leaves at the market. Jose checked with the MiL and she said it looks beautiful! Hooray!

Our tomatoes continue to grow...our three tomatoes. I guess it could be none and I shouldn't complain. Jose did some research and apparently we should have been pruning the plants. Woops! There's always next year (and the year after that, and the year after that)!

And finally...the Amanda green beans! So freaking excited about these! I'm worried that the plants aren't getting enough direct sun to be sustainable. If our peppers continue to look sad, I'll definitely put these in the ground in their place and see what happens!

Here's a shot of the entire garden, containers and all! Most of the containers are basil...we have lots and lots and lots.


  1. HURRAY.

    p.s. I never prune my tomato plants. Maybe I should look into that too!

  2. yeah, we had no idea we were supposed and learn.
