Friday, July 1, 2011

scrumptious squash!

We picked our first squash of the season! I've been watching them grow and grow, but it was still pretty shocking to hold it in my hand and realize that we grew it.

Jose chopped the precious and onto the grill it went, coated in olive oil, salt and pepper.

The finished product was delicious. I didn't expect it to taste any differently than our usual store-bought squash, but the flavor was brilliant. It was juicy and a little bit sweet, very succulent. Amazing. What a treat to pluck part of our dinner from the backyard. We eat squash and zucchini 3-4 times per week and I hope that at some point this summer we won't be buying from the store or farmer's market!


  1. It looks huge in your hand. It looked smaller until I saw it up close, then I realized just how big it was...and when i finally tasted it, I was thrilled.

  2. the best squash i've ever had!

  3. hurray! And they it looks great on the grill.

    I've got two squash and two zucchini ready to be be picked now for dinner tonight. I'm pretty excited about them.
