Thursday, August 18, 2011

cave woman soup

Do you know how hard it was to find enough cave women to make this soup? Alright, not funny. But seriously, I've had several friends recommend the caveman or "paleo" diet to me, since it is the height of healthy, gluten-free eating. I checked out Health Bent, one of the recommended sites, and right away I spotted the carmelized three-onion and cauliflower soup. I vowed to make more soup this year, and even though it's really too hot for it, I whipped it up last week.

What's that green stuff on top? Why that's the most important part - basil oil. I made a bigger batch than what they recommended - probably three handfuls of basil, and 2 cups of olive oil. In addition to topping the soup with it, I dipped my gluten-free cheese and (fresh from the garden) tomato sandwich in it. Oh good grief. Stellar.

What would I do differently? Well, I would probably add an extra shallot for sweetness. I would have some crisp, lean bacon handy for an additional topping. But the most serious alteration I will make is to the cauliflower. Even though I let it simmer as the recipe said, there was a mealy texture to the soup. After brainstorming with my cook-genius friend Scott, I think next time I will lightly steam them, then chop in the food processor, then simmer, then re-process. Stay tuned for the commentary on that. It's cauliflower, how could it go wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that looks delicious! I will have to try that.

