Sam and friend...

A Venn diagram of gift preferences. The librarian in me LOVED this.

Sam was dying to make this ornament. We were at the very end of the craft circuit, so you can imagine how hard it was to wait out the suspense. I got her here focusing so intently that her tongue is out, Michael Jordan style...but I somehow missed a photo of the finished product. Aunt fail.

Sam has a painting in her room that Jose and I wanted to buy from her. She set the price at $6,000, which is just out of our reach. This was a drawing of hers on display at school that she offered up for a mere $1,000. I took a picture instead, insisting that I would just print copies for myself :)

To commemorate the day, we did a self-portrait. She declared it a great Facebook pic, and I completely agree. She's such a good mini-me.

She looks so much like you. Love the glasses! :)