Monday, December 13, 2010

Bib Business

I have several friends who have recently had babies and I've failed to complete the first baby-welcoming gift! I've bought yarn and started, stalled, ripped-out and RE-started projects, but no completions. Finally, I turned to a pattern that was suggested to me long ago as a fun and easy knit--the Baby Bib O' Love from Mason Dixon Knitting.

Now that the packages have been sent and received, I'm safe to post pics of my first attempt at bibs!


  1. does Finny still wear a bib? i figured that he was too old for one...

  2. yea, he hasn't used one in months and months. I usually did the lazy thing and just took his shirt off at meal time. God help a third child if there is one. He'd probably just get dressed in a plastic bubble suit and hosed off occasionally.

  3. those would be fabulous drool bibs for teething time! hypothetical-not-actually-going-to-happen baby #3 could wear one then.

  4. #3...this is new talk. hope JPS doesn't see it ;)

  5. HA. he's the one who wants 3 or 4 or 5 or 6. I think 2 kids MAX. period.

  6. oh, i know how you feel. i figured you wouldn't want him to see that and start rallying for #3!
