Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Red Scarf Project

I was talking about the red yarn in my stash (you may remember...the Softwist and One Pound skeins from my stash post) and one of the women in my Meetup Group (which I really enjoyed, btw) suggested using it to knit scarves for The Red Scarf Project.

"The Red Scarf Project?" You ask. "What's that?"

I'm glad you asked. It's an organization that sends care packages to orphans, former foster kids, who are in college. The care packages go out for Valentine's day and the one common theme is a hand-made red scarf. I'm so super excited about making and donating them! You can even include a hand-written note of encouragement. Can you imagine being in foster care and somehow finding the strength, determination and funding to attend college? It really baffles me. These kids are my heroes.

I'm too late to the party to donate for V-Day 2011, but I will not miss the deadline for V-Day 2012! Who's with me?!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, that's worth going and buying some red yarn! thanks for the link.
