Monday, November 8, 2010

Finished Project One: Christmas Stockings

Last year I found a stocking pattern that I fell in love with...the first stocking went very quickly, but the subsequent two dragged out a bit. With the Christmas season approaching and my new goal of knitting my stash/finishing projects, I decided that getting these stockings done and felted was a priority! My camera charger is still MIA, so this is a poor quality Blackberry photo, but I still wanted to share!


  1. love. you should also give me detail about what kind of yarn and such you use.

    this knitting stuff is awesome.

  2. thanks! this yarn is wool (it's felted). the red and green are Cascade 220 and the grey is Wool of the Andes from both brands turned out very well, but knitpicks is probably the cheapest route.
