Monday, November 29, 2010

Weak, So Weak

I want to buy yarn. Already. Not just any yarn, I want some wool to make one of two (or both) projects in my mental queue. The first is this fabulous bag and the second is this adorable set of Christmas trees. I have the patterns for both and the yarn for neither.

I definitely want the Christmas trees for myself. In fact, I kinda feel like I need them. My decorations are growing each year, but not by much. I think this would be a perfect addition to our collection. I have a week or so off from work around Christmas and I was thinking they would be a great mindless knit...but I'm really not supposed to buy any yarn. And I'm trying to stick with it.

The purse, the purse I don't even know if I want. I mean, I like it a lot, but I'm not sure if I would use it. But I would like to knit it. If a complete stranger bought the yarn necessary, I would knit it for them. Well, maybe not a stranger. But a friend.

I just need for someone to tell me not to buy the yarn. I need to be strong. Please. Help. Me.


  1. wow, that is a fun bag. How big is your stash/how much of do you have left?

    could this bag be the yarn you reward yourself with when your stash is gone?

    or as I always say, if you're planning on gifting the bag, then buy away!

  2. i just posted about my stash, so you can see the situation. i peeped some projects yesterday in ravelry that are being done with the one skein sock yarn book and they're pretty great. that makes me more confident that i can finish this challenge. but i still kinda hate that the yarn won't be magically transformed into socks.

    i may deem it a gift and buy the yarn...i'm just not sure who on my gift list would want it.
