First, I have to say that the US Postal Service lost the package. It took many calls and lots of tracking to even find out where the package was. It arrived an entire week late, but the contents were just fine...actually better than fine, they are super great!
The entire box-o-fun:
My favorite of the toys, clearly marked for Berger, but both dogs have had fun with it:
The most ironic of the toys (and this illustrates her hilariousness), a toy that actually looks like a Pug, wearing a shirt with a picture of a Pug:
My favorite thing in the package that wasn't for me - Puggie's fancy collar:
Aaaaand the Tiffany portion of the box:
In conclusion, I'm sorry that your mother-in-law drives you crazy. Mine is pretty fabulous.
Is that a photo of the precious Majorca bread that didn't make it to my brunch?! :( We will have to have it sometime soon if the post office doesn't lose it again!