First, we put cages on the tomato plants since they are all growing and looking great (knock on wood).
You may remember that we have a plethora of basil plants at this point, but those are all ones that we purchased. Our seedlings have taken hit after hit, but we do have some that are looking good, so we put those in pots as well.
Finally, the part that I'm MOST excited about! Our topsy turvy tomatoes are dead, dead, dead and I had declared the topsy turvy a total bust. A friend suggested that we put our green bean plants in them to see if they would work. That reminded me of my friend Amanda - she calls her garden the "why not" garden because...why not try (fill in the blank) ? So, I present to you, my Amanda Schuber "why not" topsy beans!
Also, we tried and tried to give away our extra squash plants, but everyone's gardens were full, so we put the final three in a planter to see how they'll do.
exciting! I love the yellow tomato cages. like sunshine around your tomatoes.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. I love the "why not" beans. Great idea putting them in the topsy. We too couldn't get maters to grow in them, but beans are brilliant. I imagine they will wind up the bag and do wonderfully. Thank you sweetie...with all the rotten stuff going on right now, you remind me I need to get back to the garden to find my way.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, as the tendrils get longer on those beans you might need to "train" them up the bag or wherever you want them to wind, actually they may do it on their own around your banister, but you can get them to go where you want them to.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the issue with the seedlings?
amanda - definitely get back to gardening...i'm DYING to see how it goes this year! and the seedlings are fine, we just lost lots of our crop along the way.
ReplyDeletechristy - thanks! i wanted blue, jose trumped with yellow. what can i say? he always gets his way.