Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gerald the Happy Mouse!

(a guest blog entry)

Once upon a time there was a mouse named Gerald. Gerald lived in a little cubby, tucked away in the bottom of a pantry of a big house. Gerald loved to creep out at night and find crumbs to eat. Every night Gerald would leave the safety of his little cubby in search of delicious crumbs to eat. Sometimes he would find small crumbs of bread, granola, or even dog treats. Gerald would eat his crumbs like a happy little mouse. After he was done eating, he would make tiny little mouse doodies. Gerald would leave his little doodies all around the big house. Gerald didn’t care where he left his doodies ; he was a happy and carefree mouse. Gerald’s life couldn’t be any better. One night, Gerald was hungry. He left his little cubby, just as he did every night, to find some food. As Gerald walked around the house, he found something awesome. Gerald was so happy! Gerald found a big glob of peanut butter. Gerald loved peanut butter. It was his favorite. Gerald couldn’t wait to taste the delicious peanut butter, it smelled delightful. “Mmmm, mmm” he thought to himself “This is going to be so delicious”. Gerald slowly crept up to the peanut butter, his mouth watering with anticipation. Gerald was in heaven, the peanut butter was fresh, and it tasted amazing. Gerald was so happy that he had found this peanut butter when suddenly, “SNAP!”. Gerald died.

Rest in pieces Gerald.

1 comment:

  1. 1. OH MY!!!

    2. Gerald sounds like a name my husband would give to a mouse who's neck he broke also.

    RIP Gerald
