Has it really been that long? Time has sped by at an inconceivable rate - tomorrow marks our sixth wedding anniversary. You are correct, that means that we were married at the age of 16. Or maybe we're just in denial about how the numbers add up...
So why am I blogging today instead of tomorrow? Well, because we are celebrating our union with a night out on the town tonight. Why tonight instead of tomorrow night? Well, that's because tomorrow is the kick-off to college football season. You may be asking yourself: what kind of husband rearranges an anniversary celebration to watch football? I'd have to point out that it was my idea. The love of football: one of many reasons why I love Jose.

Other reasons include: the fact that he gives in to my crazy whims (like going to Super Bowl 43), he cheers for my Alma Mater, even though they are hated by his college team, he loves growing vegetables as much as I do, he has indulged me in rescuing two of the cutest dogs on the planet, he is surpassed in awesomeness only by his fantastic family, he does the laundry, he rarely complains about my yarn habit (and loves the socks I've knitted for him), he never forgets a special occasion, he's an excellent chef, he baby talks the aforementioned dogs when he thinks no one is listening (sorry, but it's true), he complains minimally about some of my ridiculous TV shows, he handles all bug and spider issues promptly...
And the final reason is that his idea for a joint anniversary gift this year was a new composter. The one I've been dreaming of. The one that will help us be even more green and garden-efficient. And he's just as excited about it as I am. That's love, folks. That's love.

Who knew I was so awesome? Can't wait for tonight, and I'm looking forward to then next 6, and the next, and the next...