Whenever yarn is a gift or souvenir, or sentimental in any way, I have the hardest time deciding what to knit with it. And in this case, in addition to being a souvenir and a gift, it was also really unique. Why? Because it's a local yarn, spun from POSSUM fur, and un-dyed. You can actually see some individual hairs in the yarn (wow) AND the smell sends Berger into a frenzy. Berger Lopez: possum hunter. Rii-i-i-ight.
Anyway, the point is that I wasn't sure what to make...then I finally saw the Tweed Scarflet in KnitScene Easy 2010. Bingo. It was completely perfect. I knit it up in about an hour and a half, easy peasy. If I had it to do all over again, I think I would have chosen some more colorful buttons...but hey, buttons can quite easily be replaced.
And for those who were curious, here's the really sassy hand-knit hat that the baby got...
I think she likes it.
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