I think the phrase is actually "a room of her own", but this is close enough for me. The dream became reality pretty quickly after the blueprints were drawn up, but this really should have happened a long time ago. I freed up SO much space in the living room and the third bedroom (which is so multi-purposed that it was bursting at the seams), so it's a win-win. Added bonus: my yarn will be locked up and out of Puggie's reach. Double bonus: I have plenty of space for more yarn now...and some fabric as well!
A big shout out to Jose for assembling the furniture and hanging the shelves. And for being supportive of the whole thing. And for not losing patience with Puggie as she walked all over the moving parts during construction. You forget that the "good" part of having a nervous dog is the fact that he never gets in the middle of projects like this. Puggie? She was all over it, every step of the way. Even the photo-taking process at the end - so appropriate.
Congrats on the new space, looks great! :-)